Principal's Desk

Principal - Mr. Neelesh Upadhyay During the process of photosynthesis, green plants aim to make not oxygen but food or glucose. The oxygen produced in this process is a by-product. Similarly, if a learner aims at learning effectively, ranks, positions, cracking competitions and so on will be the by- product of this effective learning.

A school of 21st century needs to do much more than ensure good marks on a sheet. Helping children get good academic results is one of the primary responsibilities of a school, but a ‘good’ education must also produce a 'good' human being and a self-motivated agent that transforms the society.

AT AVALON WORLD SCHOOL DABHOI, education strives towards a holistic programme that helps children love learning and inculcate the desire to serve the world.

Learning process here provides education of the body, mind, heart and spirit. Such an education produces: Self-Motivated Learners, Quality Producers, Effective Communicators along with collaborative and Critical thinking skills. This integrated approach ensures every child's development with confidence so that he/ she can live happily.

Mr. Neelesh Upadhyay